Pancakes around the world

September 30, 2016

We think of pancakes as a purely American thing but many countries have some variation.  Here are a few of them…..

Dr. D.

Thousand Island Dressing

September 30, 2016

Ever wonder how Thousand Island dressing came to be?  Here are two theories….

Dr. D.

All about staling of baked goods

September 28, 2016

A nice video detailing what staling is,how to prevent it and how to reverse it (at least temporarily)…..

Dr. D.

How to get rid of garlic breath

September 24, 2016

Application of a little food science does the trick….and some remedies are more effective than others.  So if you’re going to have a garlic heavy italian meal before that date, be sure to have a little raw lettuce or apple to eat afterwards…..

Dr. D.

Stress and dietary sources of fat

September 21, 2016

The conclusion here is, if you eat good fats and expect them to have an effect on your health…..chill….

Dr. D.

Stress and the effect of dietary fat sources

September 21, 2016

If you’re going to include good fat sources in your diet, chill….

Dr. D.

Brunch flavored candy corn

September 20, 2016

As if you needed another reason to eat candy corn….

Dr. D.

The 5 second rule, as applied to food, is not really a thing

September 11, 2016

I think we all knew this….here’s the dope….

Dr. D.

The Bonanza cut

September 1, 2016

A new cut of meat.  Normally lumped in with all the parts destined for gound meat, a University of Nevada, Reno professor of meat science has developed a new meat cut which rivals the filet.  When you read the story, you will see that there are lots of upsides to this cut for the industry….

Dr. D.

Tongue map

September 1, 2016

I always taught that the tongue map did not suggest that ONLY certain parts of the tongue were ONLY sensitive to certain tastes but that certain parts were more sensitive than other parts. As noted in this article, threshold sensitivity may differ across the tongue, but intensity of sensation does not.

Dr. D.